I feel like it's been a while since I traveled, but now that the weather is warming up, I'm sure Randy and I will be making more getaways on our weekends alone. I also have a trip to Canada planned in a few months!
5 things that make my life easier as a Traveller:
1. A large handbag- Whether it's for plane rides or in the car, having a large bag I can just chuck everything into is wonderful! I always have a bag large enough for my notebook, essentials, a water bottle, phone, sweater, magazines, snacks, etc.
2. My slippers- No matter where I go or how long I'll be staying, I always have my slippers packed! It's just one thing that helps to bring comfort in new place.
3. Eye mask- I always pack this, and it helps tremendously! Every new place is always so different, the sounds, the lights, the bed, so having complete darkness helps me to relax enough to fall asleep.
4. Snacks- I mentioned this above as something that is always in my bag, but with having 2 kids, when we travel, I always have plenty of snacks. Even if we try to stick to a routine of eating times, every place is different, everyone gets into a somewhat different routine. Even if I am travelling alone, I always have snacks. Often times when I'm flying, I don't get hungry enough for a meal, so snacks are a must!
5. Mix and match clothes- I won't say that I limit myself when I'm packing, but I always try to make sure I have different options for each item of clothing. A few tops for one sweater, accessories that will go with more than one outfit, etc.
6. Straws- I couldn't limit myself to 5 things this week. A friend just told me what she does when she travels, and I am so excited to try! She loops her necklaces through straws, and clasps them. That way they don't get tangled, they all lay flat and can fit into any case/carrier. What a great idea! I am so excited to try it out!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Blog Along- Traveller
Posted by Julie at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog Along
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A few randoms...
What's not to love about spring?! Above are my new sandals, all from Target! The ones on the left were only $5! I love a good deal!

Posted by Julie at 3:22 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
5 Things Blog Along- Mom
So this week, the topic is 5 things that make my life easier as a mom. And as I'm writing this, Hudson is at the neurologist with Randy, getting checked out for his ever-constant headaches. I'm praying it's just allergies and that maybe he needs a stronger allergy medication. Or maybe it's just the humidity of the south. But he has been getting really bad headaches for years, and at such a young age, that is a hard thing for the lil guy to handle. Why, as a mother, do we always think it's the worst? I'm trying so hard to pray and be positive, but there's always that 'what if' thought. I will be sure to update once we find out more. So needless to say, I'm a bit of a worry wart this morning. This post comes at a nice time, taking time out each week to remember the things I am thankful for, things that make life easier, has come as quite a blessing to me.
5 Things that make my life easier as a mom:
1. My husband- On the top of my list, he is the most supportive and caring man. Such a great father. As my work load has increased, his has decreased. So with me spending enormous amounts of time at work, he has been able to pick up the slack at home. Whether it's grocery shopping, homework with the kids, putting laundry away, doing dishes, or scrubbing toilets, he has truly made this crazy schedule of mine much more bearable!
2. My Excursion- Having such a big truck comes in handy almost everyday! If the kids are fighting or are tired and need to spread out a bit, they each can have a whole bench to themselves! Let alone all the space for groceries!
3. A book- I can't even remember the title and as I'm sitting here amongst my worry, I will just tell you about it. It's about being a stepmom, being a Christian, being a working mom, etc. It talks about being a parent to your stepchildren, how to raise them without over stepping the bounds of not actually being a mom, how to love them and care for them as if they are my own. And all at the same time, not letting myself get lost in this craziness!
4. Warm weather- I won't lie and say I don't love the warm weather for myself, but it truly makes the kids happier when they can be outside, running around with their friends! And what mom doesn't love a happy child!?
5. My notebook/planner- This has saved us many times, between school lunches, field trips, parties, weekend plans, etc. Having everything in one place definitely makes life easier, and helps me not to forget important things!
Posted by Julie at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog Along, Mom
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday
I decided to try something new, while browsing through a few pages, I found this one, The Undomestic Momma, who does Top 2 Tuesdays. Today's is Top 2 Celebrity styles. Below are my top 2:

Posted by Julie at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Top 2 Tuesday
Monday, March 15, 2010
Look how far we've come....
Just wanted to take a moment to celebrate that we have been in business 5 years today!!! We still have far to go, but for now, I am celebrating that we have made it this far!
Posted by Julie at 1:49 PM 0 comments
5 Things Blog Along- Wife
I am a bit late in posting this, I wasn't feeling good last week, so now I have to catch up. With all the things that make life difficult, it's nice to think about the things that make my life easier.
5 Things that make my life easier as a wife:
1. Every Other Weekend- The kids go to their mom's house every other weekend, and on those weekends, Randy and I get a chance to reconnect. We are so busy with our business and every day lives, that sometimes we feel as though we don't see each other until those weekends. And we always make the most of it, dinners out, shopping, sleeping in, watching movies, making breakfast together, walking on the beach, etc. Those weekends are times that we look forward to and cherish every minute of!
2. White stockings- And by this I mean, white thigh highs. This is a little out of the ordinary for me to discuss, but stockings in the bedroom are not only fun and sexy, but I don't have to worry about whether or not my legs need to be shaved or if I have enough lotion on my legs so they don't feel dry and scaly from the winter weather! And I say white because those are Randy's favorite. Try them! Not having to worry about smooth legs definitely makes life easier!
3. Our Business- While the business itself may not make our lives easier, I am grateful for the opportunity to work with my husband. Not all couples can do this, and it definitely takes hard work, but I love that I can see my husband everyday! I love that we get to have lunch together sometimes too, even if we are just sitting at our desks!
4. Cell phones- Without these, I would hardly talk to my husband some days. When I'm working late and he's home, or vice versa, cell phones are what keeps us connected on those long days we aren't together!
5. Water- Living so close to the beach, the ocean has always had such a special meaning for us. Whenever we can't decide what to do, Randy and I like to go for a walk on the pier or on the beach. Just looking at the water is so relaxing and calming, something we both could use more of! Some of our favorite memories are the times we've spent walking near or just looking at the water.
Posted by Julie at 8:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: Blog Along
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Only a girl could have this dilemna!
So a few weeks, I found this great bag, or so I thought! And while I do love it, it just doesn't fit my needs. I need something bigger, I love a big tote bag! This purse has so many compartments and pockets, it's wonderful! But just not big enough.

Posted by Julie at 10:07 AM 4 comments
Labels: purse
Join Us!
My sister, Amanda, has come up with a great idea! She is hosting a blog along, and I am joining her! You can join here!
Posted by Julie at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog Along
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Verse of the Day
This verse stood out to me today.
Proverbs 21:3 "To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice."
How often we complain about all the sacrifices we make for other people and things, but this verse clearly says that God would rather us do right, than sacrifice. And of course, He would much rather it be done out of love with a joyful heart then merely because we have to, because it's a chore or on the day's to do list.
Posted by Julie at 8:26 PM 2 comments