3. Begin, and stick to, a workout routine. Well, I started yoga and power walking a few weeks ago, but then I got the stomach bug for a week, so now I need to get back into this routine!
4. Lose 5-10lbs. Struggling with this one. I've completely changed how I eat and really limiting calories, but those weekend outings always get me!
5. Go on a family vacation, if #1 is completed. See #1.
6. Quit smoking. Not yet.
7. Go to church on a regular basis. Not yet.
8. Read one book a month. I'm halfway through 2 books right now, which I've been reading since Feb. I'm a little behind.
9. Finish the quilt I started over 5 yrs ago. Definitely not even close.
10. Work harder at seeing the good in every situation. I've been doing much better with this lately! As Hudson is getting older, he is really testing our limits lately. I'm trying to "pick my battles", as my Mom would always say.
11. Practice patience and gentleness with the kids, and spend more time with them. Working on this one daily!
12. Cook more than one meal a week. I'm lucky if I have time for one meal :(
13. Make more drastic changes to my diet and nutrition. I've made drastic changes, just need to reel in those weekend treats!
14. Reorganize my closet. I was just working on this the other night.
15. Take Dozer for a long walk at least once a week. Failed on this one, not even close! Well, there it is. And as I'm rereading what I've just written and admitted to, I'm not sure how I feel. In some areas, I feel like a failure. In others, I know I am doing my best. If nothing else, I can be proud while knowing I still have work to do!