Thursday, May 29, 2008

A few new pics!

I picked the kids up early on Tuesday for a dentist appt in Beaufort. It was a gorgeous day! After two good dentist appts., I took the kids to walk downtown Beaufort, and eat ice cream. Of course, those two ideas clash, but in Snyder tradition, I had no choice. This is what my mom used to do for us when we had good dentists appts- no cavities! Reward- SWEETS! I also spoiled them each with a toy, and they helped me pick out a pretty, colorful necklace! Randy and I have been feeling so badly about him having to work nights lately, it was so good for the kids and me to have a fun, warm day together!
The kids needed to burn some energy before entering any stores, I let them climb the trees by the boat docks!

I had these decals custom made, and surprised the kids with them when I picked them up from school! They are so excited to have their names and numbers, each very unique for their personality! I am so proud of my two moto-riders!

A picture of my rear! Haha!

Field Day at JCA, 5/15/08. The picture of Hudson playing soccer did not turn out, bummer!
During my peaceful weekend, with no kids and my husband working, I woke up to find these in my backyard! I'm not even sure what they are, my mom would know! But they look so good in my house! So fresh and pretty!


Megan said...

HYDRANGEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My second favorite flower. I had these growing in my yard in SC and LOVE THEM! I even picked them and made a bouquet for my wedding portrait! The decals on the car are too cute! And what a fun awesome day in Beaufort! I wish I got spoiled with ice cream after I go to the Orthodontist. Ok, honestly, I do usually go to Starbucks on the way home for a frappucino!

Julie said...

I thought that's what kind they were! But I wasn't 100%! Thanks! Yes, if there would have been a Starbucks out there, I would have had that too! But I didn't even get my teeth cleaned! Taking two kids is enough for one day! Haha!