Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Verse of the Day

This verse stood out to me today.

Proverbs 21:3 "To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice."

How often we complain about all the sacrifices we make for other people and things, but this verse clearly says that God would rather us do right, than sacrifice. And of course, He would much rather it be done out of love with a joyful heart then merely because we have to, because it's a chore or on the day's to do list.


knitpic said...

Woohoo! Way to go Julie! I am listening when you speak words of truth and wisdom (sound like Mandy?).

We often think our "sacrifice" is so sacrificial when really it is usually self serving either in pride or ego. I need to do a "heart" check! Thanks.

Chartering New Waters said...

I will speak truth here and say that I will be working on doing what is right and just tomorrow! You probably are laughing but I'm being honest, I can't work on it today because it's bedtime and I'm going to sleep. So I will be working on the inward thoughts tomorrow while I serve my family and James' co-workers!