On Friday, I went with the kids on their field trip to Whispering Dove Goat Ranch and Apiary. We had such a great time, and it was a rare treat to have both their classes going together! We saw tons of animals, free range, all organic and healthy animals. They even had bees! Hudson, who is normally scared to death of goats, actually pet two of them! I was so surprised! And Lily, of course, was not afraid of anything, and would have taken them all home had I allowed it! We went to the park after the ranch tour, where we ate lunch and played for quite awhile. I even ventured out with about 30 kids on the nature trail! Talk about chaos! But we had a great day! It was gorgeous outside, sunny and 75!

Hudson and his boys with their collections of feathers from the free range chickens and hens.
Lily petting the baby rabbit she would have put in her pocket if no one was paying attention!
This rooster gave us all a scare as he darted around the corner just a few feet away!
Hudson petting a goat! A first for him!